November 9, 2009


we were hoping to hear from DR H today in regards to parker's lyme test.
we did not.

we got an unexpected call from Childrens Hospital Rheumatology Department. Parker has been given an appointment for TOMORROW afternoon (Tue, Nov 10). this is instead of the March 30,2010 date we were given last week.

this is an amazing and unexpected answer to prayer... we have been so focused on getting the possibility of lyme ruled in or out that we had not even called the hospital to try and get the date moved up nor had we asked to be put on a cancellation list.

please pray for this appointment and for the doctors involved. we have much apprehension about it.
and we sure would like to hear from DR H before we have to leave for it.
pray for wisdom for DR H as he evaluates parker's test results.

pray for God to reveal what is ailing parker.

right now, we are burdened by the weight of having more questions than answers. to get this unexpected call today has reminded us that God moves in unexpected ways, and he is charting the course and that he is in control.

pray for an answer to our questions...and peace with the results.

a friend, whose daughter is battling lyme, sent me this verse today. boy, was it exactly what i needed to hear. i will end with it as it is what held me together today...and will be what holds me together tomorrow.

"they do not fear bad news;
they confidently trust the Lord to care for them."

~ psalm 112:7

1 comment:

  1. Lifting you all and especially Parker up in prayer for a clear diagnosis and the help he needs.
    I also needed to hear the verse from Psalm 112. Amen and Amen!
