parker is doing significantly better. thank you so much for your prayers and support. i am too tired to respond to each of you but please know that your messages of love and care are an incredible encouragement to us. i have shared all of them with parker.
parker was seen by 4 different doctors while in hospital. they really don't know what is going on with him - but they were all compassionate and concerned. that was nice. they did and are doing a ton more blood work - retesting him for all the stuff they've already tested him for and they are testing him for mycoplasma (this is one of the infections DR H wanted checked out)
lyme was brought up several times by 3 of the doctors. the rheumatology report they have from our appointment in november mentions that i have lyme. naturally they nearly interrogated me about it, asking repeatedly if i have serological evidence to back up my diagnosis. as usual there was this weird level of tension in the room whenever lyme was brought up - which is why we chose to keep our out of country trip private...however doc #4 actually suggested the possibility of parker having an 'atypical' case of lyme. he said that he wanted to run another Lyme Elisa and would talk to the provincial lab and see if they would run the more sensitive Lyme Western Blot.
neither one of these tests are remotely reliable just never know....miracles can happen. and that is what we need. getting our working lyme diagnosis backed up by canadian serology/blood test would be a miracle. we need a Christmas miracle. Please pray for this.
all test results will take about a week to come back. Doc #4 said they would be pulling together a team to look at all the results in the hopes that they can figure this out. we have an appointment to go back Dec 22 to go over any findings/results.
so glad to hear that you are getting the testing done & I will pray that the results are conclusive. sending love and well wishes your way!
Good luck with Parker's diagnosis from the hospital hopefully the recent WTV program will help raise the profile of lyme with doctors.
We have similar problems here in UK with LLMD's being reported to the General Medical Council.
I have a lyme friend in Edmondton but I found your blog through Renee's blog.
Do you know how Marie is doing?
i pray everything works out for Parker, and your family, and he gets much better.
hope things are better for everyone by this morning. You are all in my prayers. I hope P is back home where he can be cozy and as comfortable as possible.
shan- wow... just read the posts.
i am truly sorry for this awful rollercoaster you are on. this is such a battle for you all. i will continue to pray- there is no greater strength or power we can tap into. may the prayers of the family of God surround and carry your family- we pray for a Christmas miracle and total healing! hugs, christine B.:)
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